School Fees

​​​​​St Patrick’s Primary School is a Parish school, staffed and administered by Brisbane Catholic Education.  Finance for the running of our school comes from two sources:

  • School Fees and Levies: The school relies on the payment of fees and levies by parents to meet its financial obligations and operating costs such as rates, insurance, electricity and phone bills, loan repayments and building maintenance.  School Fee payment is preferred to be made by EFTPOS, direct debit, direct deposit or BPay (Please refer to 2022 School Fee Schedule).  The school does not accept payments by cash.  Excursions and camps can also be paid via the Qkr! App.
  • Fundraising Activities:  Throughout the year, there are various fundraising activities undertaken in the school.  These include the School Tuckshop, Paddy's Parents Association activities and school activities such as free-dress days. All of these activities bring valuable funds into the school which enables us to do extra things and provide extra resources for our students or to support others less fortunate than ourselves.

School Fee Accounts​​

Each term, accounts are sent home from the School Office.  We would appreciate it if term accounts could be paid promptly wherever possible.  Should difficulties arise regarding fees, families should make an appointment to discuss the situation with the Principal as quickly as possible so that equitable solutions can be found.  No Catholic family will be denied the right of a Catholic Education because of their financial situation.  Fee reductions are available by applying for a Fee Concession when enrolling at the school, or when financial circumstances alter.  A just and equitable method is used to assist in looking at individual circumstances.

Class Levies​

Money collected at St Patrick’s Primary from levies assists in the purchases of consumables, classroom costs, DanceFever and 4 cultural performances during the year.

  • ​​Art and Craft
  • Photocopying
  • Text / Programs
  • Life Education
  • Art Council Performances
  • Class Resources
  • Religious Education
  • RawArt
  • Swimming 
  • DanceFever

Class Levy accounts are included with School Fees each term.

Building Fund

The school has commitments towards the capital and maintenance costs of its buildings.

A contribution is sought from each family in the school year towards both the capital and maintenance costs the school incurs. This contribution is 100% tax deductible and your payment toward the building fund will assist us in improving and maintaining the school facilities for the benefit of all students.

Library Fund​​

The Library Fund is a voluntary contribution which parents are encouraged to make each year.  This contribution is 100% tax deductible and goes towards the provision of resources for our School Library and the purchase of technology resources​.

For further information regarding enrolments and fees, please contact the school directly on (07) 5489 3200 or you can email us at

​​2025 School Fees Schedule & Policy pdf.pdf

Application for concession on fees.pdf

Direct Debit Request form​.pdf