School Uniform

​​​​​​Our School Uniform is a visual symbol,​ to the people in our community, of who we are and where we come from. When the school uniform is worn it reflects on the child personally, their family and St Patrick’s School in the manner it is worn. We encourage all students to wear the correct items of the uniform and ask parents to be supportive of this in the way children are dressed for school each day.​ A note is appreciated if there are specific reasons for uniforms not being complete.

The Uniform Shop operates from the Tuckshop and the 2024 opening days and hours are:  Monday: 8:30am - 9:00am and Friday, 11:30am-1:00pm or by appointment. Uniforms can be ordered and paid for using the Qkr! app.    QKR! orders in by 12pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday respectively,  will be packaged and sent home via student that day.  This is our preferred option.  Uniform orders may still be phoned through and paid for with credit card over the phone, online using BPay (over $50) or Direct Deposit to the school bank account (any amount). The uniform items will be sent home with the student.  We can name uniform items if they are needed for immediate use.

 2025 Uniform Order.pdf

Getting Started with Qkr.pdf

Qkr How to order and Quick Tips.pdf


The wearing of jewellery is discouraged at school. Jewellery detracts from the appearance of our uniform and expensive items can be lost or broken at school.  As well as a uniform issue, the wearing of jewellery is also a safety issue.  For the benefit of all students, the following guidelines are required regarding the wearing of jewellery.

  • Students may wear only one plain stud or sleeper in each ear.
  • Earrings / studs are only to be worn in the ear lobe.
  • Necklaces with a simple Christian symbol ma​y be worn inside uniforms.
  • No bangles / bracelets are to be worn at school.
  • Jewellery should not depict symbols that are unacceptable to the school’s administration or contrary to the Catholic ethos of the school.

Please note that exceptions will be made in special circumstances such as “medical alert” bracelets and so on.  These exceptions will occur after consultation between parents and the Principal.
